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Rangers fans say farewell to Walter Smith as cortege passes Ibrox
Fans pay their respects as Walter Smith’s funeral procession passes Ibrox
Walter Smith - Rangers Fans pay their respects as cortege passes Ibrox
Walter Smith given emotional send-off by Rangers fans, thousands gather at Ibrox for funeral cortege
Walter Smith passes Ibrox Stadium for the final time 2021
Rangers say goodbye to the legend Walter Smith(Walter’s funeral cortège & Rangers fans)tribute video
Thousands of Rangers fans mourn Walter Smith as legend makes his final journey
Rangers fans say farewell to Jimmy Bell as funeral cortege passes Ibrox
Rangers fans bid farewell to Andy Goram as funeral cortège passes Ibrox
Fairwell Walter Smith - legend (Walter’s funeral past Ibrox stadium) Funeral car at 01:50
Glasgow Rangers - Walter Smith
Walter Smith Funeral Tributes at Ibrox